A growing concern – UP gets planting

Our Auckland team recently pulled on their boots and rolled up their sleeves to help improve the surrounding environment in East Tamaki.

Universal Packaging’s Auckland headquarters borders the Tamaki River, which leads out into the ‘majestic-ish’ Manukau Harbour. It’s also the location for a pleasant and rambling riverside walk.


At least, it was pleasant at one time. Recently the area had fallen into disarray. It was overgrown with weeds and pest trees. Something needed to be done. As part of our ongoing sustainability efforts, the Auckland office pledged to improve this site.

With the help of contracting partners, the site was cleared to make way for new native planting and, over the course of two days, the entire Auckland workforce (including Kylie, Darrin, Jordan, Sharyn and Ash) put in the hard yards.

For some of the team it came as a surprise to find the walking track behind the building – which now looks much more appealing with fledgling plants growing strong and the promise of more birds and wildlife in the future.


“This was our way to give back to the surrounding landscape.”




“This was our way to give back to the surrounding landscape,” says Universal GM Kylie Taylor.

“We do everything we can from an operational point of view to reduce our carbon footprint in our day-to-day processes. However, maintaining this environment for our staff and other track users goes beyond the everyday. It’s about binding together to affect long-term positive change.”

It was great to see the entire team on board for the volunteer event, and the resultant  picturesque setting is now enjoyed by all.

While the key focus was the environment, we can clearly see the mental health and culture benefits this has brought,” says Kylie. “It’s been a really valuable exercise.”

Universal is looking to extend these efforts both at the Auckland office and at other important locations around New Zealand.

“It’s not just about maintaining this new growth,” says Kylie. “We’re aiming to extend this work in 2025.”

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A growing concern – UP gets planting

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