In good company

A spoonful of sugar / Helping the medicine go ‘round
You don’t need to look far to see some great achievements by New Zealand businesses.

Everyone has undoubtedly been challenged by the last couple of years and, sometimes, with so much uncertainty, it’s easy to get bogged down in bad news. That is why it’s so important to acknowledge all the good work being done – and to champion the positive efforts of our customers.

Helping hands

At Open Country Dairy, charity and community walk hand in hand. The team at the Southland manufacturing site at Awarua gets to choose an organisation for the company to support. This approach makes the process more personal and ensures funding goes to local causes the team is passionate about.

The Blair Vining Charity Hospital was one such worthy cause. Blair Vining was a young Southland farmer who fought for better cancer care after a shock diagnosis in 2018. While he passed away in 2019, his important work continues. The planned Southland Charity Hospital will provide an enduring legacy and the building is currently under construction.   

The link to the new hospital is a strong one,” says OCD site manager Mike Butler. “The team here is also part of the Southland farming community, we know the struggle that Blair and his family fought, and the new hospital is just 10km from our site. 

OCD are now continuing with their financial support of the charity “while taking part in as many fundraising events as possible”.

Sweet support

Birdlife in New Zealand needs help from a wide range of sources when it comes to ensuring their habitats are protected and that key species can grow and thrive.

NZ Sugar recognise the importance of this biodiversity. For over a decade they’ve been working with the Tiritiri Matangi Open Sanctuary to ensure the island has a steady supply of their product.

Here a spoonful of sugar doesn’t just help the medicine go down – it also ensures these precious birds have the energy to breed and bolster the small but growing populations. With supplementary feeding of a sugar syrup solution, conservationists and scientists help a wide range of native birds grow strong and healthy.

There are 78 species of birds that have been seen on or nearby to Tiritiri Matangi, and approximately 60% of the island is now covered in regenerating forest. This is important work and support from companies like NZ Sugar helps protect the future of these precious island sanctuaries.

Photo sourced from:

You don’t need to look far to see some great achievements by New Zealand businesses.

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In good company

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