A stitch in time – why servicing matters

Servicing ensures that everyday efficiency is running to the highest standard.

Over the last year we’ve been completing on average close to 20 machine services each month. While our approach to this work has now changed (you won’t find us on site as much as we used to be!) we nevertheless can still help.

The quantity of servicing work in recent times has been good news for those that have booked in the work – particularly given the needs of all businesses to now run at peak efficiency with as little human-to-human contact.

There have been a number of reasons why we’ve been called out recently – everything from the power button getting jammed to the film carriage getting stuck to film, or the film getting stuck in the carriage. Often it’s a simple fix – the I.T equivalent of  ‘turn it off and on again’. At other times simple preventative measures can be put in place to ensure the issue doesn’t reoccur.

Servicing doesn’t just prevent the big headaches of breakdowns and lost productivity. It also ensures that everyday efficiency is running to the highest standard.

The good news is that an effective maintenance schedule and/or trouble-shooting meeting can still be booked in. We’re using all the online communication tools at our disposal to ensure our customers can keep their end of line at the top of the game.

If you’d like to book in an online audit over the coming weeks click here to contact us – we’re ready when you are.

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Please note: We are a New Zealand-based wholesaler and only distribute within New Zealand.

A stitch in time – why servicing matters

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