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‘Getting in behind’ our team day
A day of outdoor games, including one that prompted team members to act like sheep dogs, was always destined to be a good time.
Late in March the Universal Packaging team upped sticks and headed out to participate in a variety of outdoor activities at the picturesque Makoura Lodge.

We started off the festivities with a classic round of Mini Highland Games, which included a gumboot toss, shot put, log throw and a tug of war. This provided an opportunity for some in our team to flex their muscles and show off their throwing arms, says Marketing Coordinator Par Gardiner.
“Some of us were experienced in these rural-themed activities, some not so much – but everyone gave it a good go,” she says. “While there was definite competition between some team members, there was also plenty of encouragement in the form of noisy cheering!”
Then, teams were pitted against one another for a photo scavenger hunt, which involved some high performance from team members to get shots of several amusing scenarios from around the lodge grounds.
Next, we moved into the sheepdog trials, with yet more focused performances from members of the team as they stepped up to standing in for traditional canine workers.
Of course, all this physical activity left everyone feeling hungry, and lunch was enjoyed with views over the lodge grounds. Discussion around the table covered the events of the previous year, and plans for the one ahead.

While there were plenty of laughs, the usual UP competitive spirit was out in full force during the events, with everybody looking for the win.
As Team Leader Stacey says, these days are “so helpful for creating efficiency and connections at work.”
“These informal days out together allow for bonding and building a stronger team culture,” she says. “With new staff members joining the team recently it means that everyone can get to know each other a little better – which sometimes isn’t easy during the busy workday.”
This translates to better service for our customers too.
“Stronger team relationships help grow a better rapport between the different departments,” says Stacey. “When we’re communicating effectively it means we’re able to give our customers consistent, effective service – it’s a win-win.”
For the team this day is also a good chance to let loose and see a new side of each other – and that alone deserves a round of a-paws.