Home » Looking on the UPside
Looking on the UPside

In late February, Universal Packaging enjoyed a fantastic team retreat at Rathmoy Lodge in Hunterville. The event helped provide both a fresh perspective on our team mates and a revitalised focus on why we work – and why we’ll continue to succeed.
“Although we’re obviously a tightknit team it’s generally the ‘work face’ that you see each day,” says Jed. “A day like this lets everyone get to know each other better.”
The day started with morning tea and a strategy meeting. Bringing the entire team into this process is always of great benefit, the opportunity to ensure everyone is on the same page and coordinated in the work is vital to ensuring a seamless experience.
After the strategy part of the day was over there was time for lawn games while a delectable barbeque lunch was being prepared.
With a bit of banter, a lot of delicious food and some fierce (but friendly) competition, the afternoon proved an absolute winner. There was archery, a hole-in-one golf challenge and an action-packed clay bird shooting event.
After such intense competition and a fun prizegiving ceremony the arrival of chocolate brownies and ice cream was the perfect way to finish the day off.
After years guiding UP, Matthew knows well the importance of such days.
“It was so great to see everyone ‘having a go’, sharing their sporting prowess and humility in winning – or showing their readiness to be vulnerable in the company of their peers,” he says. “It’s the mark of a truly great team that we can come together and so enjoy occasions like this.”
The highlights
“Alan hitting Matt’s croquet ball down the hill in an aggressive play.” Jed.
“Livvy smoking all the guys in shooting!! Girl power!” Jodie.
“Hitting that clay bird is always a good feeling.” Garth.
“Watching Livvy bragging about winning the shooting.” Alan.
“Just doing all the activities with the team – it was great fun.” Matt.
“Realising Dave and Brae both had cameras ready for an epic Jenga fail.” Nadia.
“Beating the Boss in a shotgun shoot off.” Olivia.