The Weber winner

…and what made 2022 for you.
At the end of last year, we asked our readers to share a good thing that happened to them in 2022, with one lucky respondent winning a new BBQ.

Congratulations to the winner of our barbeque competition, Anne Stanbury, the Accounts Payable Systems Coordinator at Foodstuffs Christchurch now making the most of the summer sun in the south and heating up some delicious food on her new Weber.

It was also a heart-warming experience for us here at UP, as we got to read of the great things some of our customers have accomplished over the last year. Accomplishments ranged from buying a new car to buying tickets to Guns and Roses, from buying a first home to becoming mortgage free, from personal highlights (a daughter making NZ’s U18 kayak squad) to professional ones (the team making all KPIs and gaining wider recognition).

So, while we cheer Anne’s win, we also want to congratulate all our great customers too. We hope you all have a wonderful 2023 too!

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Please note: We are a New Zealand-based wholesaler and only distribute within New Zealand.

The Weber winner

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