Setting, an example

How do you ensure your pallet-wrapping equipment is ready with the settings to go? There are actually a number of ways…

We live in a time of ‘bespoke’ this and ‘unique’ that. When you find out that yes, there actually can be two identical snowflakes, it’s easy to become cynical about every claim of personalised service or individualised results. Sometimes a pallet is a pallet and it’s simply a matter of getting it on the wrapper and sending it out.

However, when small changes in pallet equipment settings can deliver big savings, well… it certainly pays to know what you’re working with. Here are our top tips for setting the highest standards of pallet wrapper efficiency.

Here are our top tips for setting the highest standards of pallet wrapper efficiency

1. Testing 1, 2, 3

The Universal Technical Sales team have specialized equipment that measures and records film performance in the field. With the ability to collect, record and graph data instantly in real time, we can compare multiple tests, and multiple machine settings in seconds. Whether it’s stretch percentage, film weight, load force on the top, middle or bottom of the pallet, we will collect and analyse the data for you in on time at all. With such clarity in data and results, knowing what settings need altering and refining is easy.

2. Are you on a roll or stuck in a rut?

Have a look at the machine rollers to ensure everything is clean and intact and working as it should. This is particularly important if you’re using a modern wrap, which needs a softer roller for the best results. We provide a service that either swaps out the old rollers for new versions or re-lags the existing rollers for the new wrap. The new type of rubber increases the contact area with the film, creating a greater stretch with less effort required.

Email us for further information.

3. Contain and gain.

With a correct ‘pull test’ using the right instruments the containment strength of the wrap can be accurately measured to effectively reveal the peak amount of wrap that’s required. Once this is done across a selection of test pallets adjustments can be made to the settings or a new type of wrap given the go-ahead for further testing.

4. Perfect pairs

There is such thing as a perfect match when it comes to film and machine. Some of the newer 33 layer nano films are only able to reach their optimised stretch with the help of a power pre stretch machine.

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Please note: We are a New Zealand-based wholesaler and only distribute within New Zealand.

Setting, an example

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