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Your pallet can-do checklist
5 tools you shouldn’t be without
While they say a poor craftsman always blames their tools, in the modern distribution centre it’s often the case of tools not being used in the first place. Here are five things every pallet packaging operation should have close by.

1: A sharp knife. ‘Measure twice and cut once’ only works if you don’t have to take three attempts at actually cutting the thing properly. Also, the amount of time spent looking for lost tools, knives in particular, can be sapping to efficiency targets. Get a lanyard or find some other way of always keeping it close at hand.
2: A solid tape dispenser. These take a battering around the average DC so make sure you’ve invested in something heavy duty. It also saves time and mess reducing the amount of tape disasters. We’ve all been there.
3: A handy hand-wrap dispenser. If you’re wrapping by hand, the BOLT is worth its weight in gold. Watch our video to find out why.

4: A simple broom (and bin). The amount of plastic rubbish around many warehouses is bad for morale and even worse for employee safety. Nobody wants to work in a messy environment and bits of wrap can cause tripping hazards and wind into the wheels of forklifts. Tidy Kiwis will sweep up regularly and ensure any wrap goes into the recycling bin.
5: A good pallet egghead every now and then. Yes, we shouldn’t call our technical consultants ‘tools’ (except when they very, very occasionally crash the company car). However, for arguments sake, they really are great tools for the modern New Zealand distributor to use. Our team is ready to go with advice and guidance on site optimisation, wrap parameters, load containment testing, safety barriers and more.