Aiming high: The UP team’s big day out

On a sunny Friday in March our team traded the work clothes for some fun new t-shirts, the laptops for axes, and the sales targets for archery ones…

When you’ve been working hard it’s extremely valuable to both recognise this effort and to celebrate with those who’ve helped you along the way.

Admittedly there was a sense of trepidation from some in our team when first hearing of the destination at the foot of the Tararua Ranges: Heights Experience. To their relief it was confirmed there were no high ropes or climbing walls to undertake. Instead the day was spent undertaking a range of thrilling activities.

First there was an opportunity to share some thinking on what makes our team so special and our work so important. The converted 1905 woolshed provided the perfect space to look at where we’ve been and, with the help of our refined company values and vision, where we hope to be as we plan for the future.

After that there was a huge range of activities including clay bird shooting, axe throwing, archery and some heart-pounding moments in the Can-Am Maverick – the off-roader going up, down and all around (often at very high speeds too).

With all the friendly competition and free-flowing adrenaline a delicious BBQ lunch and some birthday cake was just what the doctor ordered.

At various times relaxing, exciting, and occasionally frightening, we’re pleased to say the entire team had a great time over the course of the day. Sales and Marketing Manager Matt Goddin said there were “lots of laughs, nice food, cold drinks and loud guns!”

Customer Care Manager Olivia Bull had her share of thrilling moments, her highlight being “screaming in the back seat of the buggy with Jodie and Stacey”.

So too did Technical Sales Consultant Garth Hill have his share of thrills on the hill.

“The big drop off during the off-road section reminded me of what it was like heading into Covid,” said Garth. “While the unknown scares you, once you’re through, it’s something to celebrate.”

For Nadia Ridsdale the time away from the office was a great chance to get to know the team better. Our Marketing Coordinator proved quite the competitor too, jokily stating that a favourite moment of the day was “hitting the archery target more times than Garth.”

The day also provided some genuinely empowering moments. Dave White, our Commercial Business Manager, put it perfectly.

“It was great seeing someone try something outside their comfort zone,” he said. “Then it was even better seeing their surprise when they really enjoyed it – before they then went back for more.”

When you’ve been working hard it’s extremely valuable to both recognise this effort and to celebrate with those who’ve helped you along the way. Thanks team for a great day!

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Aiming high: The UP team’s big day out

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