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Crunching the numbers (not the goods)
Our survey results are in. Who were the winners?
In May and June we ran a survey and competition to help find out where the pain points were for our customers, and how we can help them wrap up their worries. The results are in – and the winners can now be announced…
Yes, we’re happy to admit that the last competition wasn’t just for show. It was also used to help us gain a little more insight into what’s on your mind right here and now when it comes to your packaging needs.
We asked a few questions to help assess the various needs of our customers. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the most important), respondents rated product damage as a 9. With the ongoing impact on the bottom line of many companies this is unsurprising. Post-sale service and customer support rated 8.5 out of 10.
Preventing waste and packaging sustainability wasn’t too far behind either of these key focuses however, with an average score of 8, and 45% rating it as a straight 10. With our efforts over the last few years, and our investment in this area, it’s good to know other companies share our vision for the future.
We also received a lot of great responses to the question, “What is one thing you want to improve with your pallet packaging?”
Using less film, cutting costs and plastic waste were the obvious answers here from many respondents. Others focused on the need for high quality export options, speed of wrapping and pallet packaging automation options.
Increasing stability of load was also important, with one answer stating, “Too tight you damage the corners, too loose and there is product movement. Mostly we get it right but when you don’t…”
As mentioned earlier, sustainability of product and process were also number one priorities for many. “We are currently looking at sustainability processes throughout the company,” said one survey reply. “Any pallet wrapping that is more sustainable is important both to us and to our clients.”
Oh yes, and the two winners of the big vouchers were Ray Allen from New Zealand Sugar and George Jensen of Farm Source Distribution. Thanks to all who entered and provided us with such helpful feedback.
In this respect you’re all winners. Yes, it may not be as an exciting a victory compared with Ray and George. But with this data we can continue to hone our products and our service, ensuring your pallet packaging in the future is tight and right, economical and sustainable.
Thank you to all who took part in our survey.