In Good Company: Sharing the Success of Our Customers

We’re firm believers in the ‘Success breeds success’ adage. When you’re on a roll everything just seems to fall into place that much easier. This month our semi-regular column shares some more of the uplifting news from our customers – stories that are worth celebrating!

We’re proud of the innovation and passion that so many of our clients bring to their everyday work. These companies have succeeded thanks to their ability to think beyond the everyday. Understanding that attaining success in the future demands a willingness to change in the present, they’re taking the steps to evolve and improve how things are done.

It’s why they continue to push through both incremental improvements and grand plans. It’s how New Zealand’s leading companies keep up with a fast-changing world, delivering good thinking for great results.

Roaming free

Think commercial egg production and perhaps the first thing that springs to mind is either big barns or bare paddocks with plenty of dust and feathers flying. That’s about to change with the arrival of a future-focused farm near Tokoroa.

Across 139 hectares of land this farm is being made ready for a new level of sustainable production by Better Eggs, who will deliver eggs from here under the Heyden Farms Free Range brand. While there are currently 20,000 birds on site that number will increase over the next five years to where eventually there will be 320,000 laying hens. They will roam amongst 90,000 native and exotic trees, the pine, oak, poplar and eucalyptus varieties also being milled upon maturity.

Eight laying sheds here contain conveyor belts that will move eggs from nesting boxes to packing equipment with highly effective automation. It’s a new way of doing things that truly offers the best of both worlds – the clever thinking behind the sustainability approach and the innovative automation technology. By combining both, the company is delivering some truly eggceptional results.

Ok – so we almost made it through that entire story without making an egg pun. Sorry we cracked.

Greener bananas

Don’t worry – the bananas the T&G Group deliver to your supermarket will still arrive in excellent condition. These ‘green’ bananas aren’t less ripe. Rather they are the first bananas in New Zealand to be certified as both Fairtrade and Zero Carbon.

The initiative, a partnership between All Good and T&G Fresh, means that every banana displaying the All Good brand is now carbon neutral certified by EKOS. Any impact on the environment is offset with an investment into a forest protection project in the Peruvian Andes.

Brewery better with biomass

Over the last year, Fonterra’s Te Awamutu dairy plant has made a massive leap from coal dependency to a far more earth-friendly fuel. By using sustainable wood pellets to power their boiler, the dairy giant will reduce Fonterra’s overall coal use by an estimated 10% overall.

It’s a massive gain for the company – and for New Zealand. With this innovative change, Fonterra will save 84,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually. This amounts to taking 32,000 cars off the road. And it’s thanks to another great Universal Packaging customer: Nature’s Flame. The Taupō-based company supplies pellets made from fibre residues from local sawmills. This renewable resource is then transformed into premium fuel, which Fonterra now use.

Here are three Kiwi companies busy binding together and securing success.

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In Good Company: Sharing the Success of Our Customers

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