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Stay cool
Our top tips for pallet wrap in winter
Cold temperatures can affect many things – the car starting in the morning, your brain after eating ice cream too quickly, the ability of teams to play free-flowing rugby and (as you may have guessed), pallet wrap’s effectiveness. Here are a few key considerations for the next two months of winter…

Let’s start with your pallet wrap. This should ideally be stored in temperatures between 10°C and 30°C.
To avoid sudden changes of temperature that can adversely affect quality, store your rolls away from doors and windows. Also make certain that there’s no significant moisture near the rolls. To reduce the likelihood of temperature and moisture level changes over time, don’t store your pallet wrap for excessively long periods.
Excessive cold can cause films to become more brittle, which affects how well it can stretch without breaking. If you’re finding this is occurring often during the winter months, it’s important to either change wrap products or check the settings on your equipment.
When it comes to this equipment you’ll need to ensure the alignment of the two sets of rollers are exact and perfect. Any issues here can easily tear the film, which is far more likely to happen if the film has been affected by cold temperature or moisture. This will also occur if the pre-stretch process is particularly forceful.
Universal Packaging provides regular machine servicing, and many of our customers book in a mid-winter maintenance check to ensure everything’s cool when the work heats up over winter. We can also check the rubber lagging at this stage and can upgrade the rollers to ensure they work correctly with your choice in wrap.
Another option is to change wraps. Our Polarshield pallet wrap is made for use in very low temperatures, particularly when companies need their goods wrapped right going in and out of freezing environments.
It’s unique formulation means this wrap can withstand the intense conditions within a freezer without losing the ability to cling, its elastic memory or it’s durable puncture resistance. As it can stretch up to 200% the ROI from wraps per roll is significant too.
If you have any concerns with how your wrap or pallet wrapper is performing over winter please drop us a line. We can get on-site and put the right testing process in place to ensure the cool temperatures don’t have you all hot and bothered.