Cast film vs blown film

We ‘unpack’ the key differences between cast film and blown film. Find out what’s best for certain types of pallets.

Just the highlights

NanoWrap proved that sustainable pallet wrapping can make a major difference and now NanoEcho is helping NZ companies take the next big step. However, when it comes to enacting real positive change and exceeding sustainability targets, it’s still important that solutions are made to measure.

Excessive film use

There are two main reasons for using too much pallet wrap – and the good news is they are both simple to avoid.

What is the real cost of pallet wrap?

Pallet wrapping brochure - Universal Packaging

Many purchases are made without understanding the bigger picture of ‘true’ value. It is true of shoes. It’s true of property. And, sometimes, it’s also true of pallet wrap.

Unwrapping the process: Film breakage

Universal Packaging’s resident expert Jed Goudie looks out at the key causes of film breakages and how to troubleshoot and fix the problem properly. If you’re regularly breaking out in tears (both kinds), we highly recommend a read…

Measure up

Be it packaging, equipment, or other processes, our constant refrain when it comes to suggesting new approaches is “if we can’t measure it, we won’t recommend it”.

3 Ways D.Cs can Improve Sustainability Measures

When introducing effective sustainability measures there are a lot of big decisions that can be made when establishing a new building or operation. However it can be harder to see where change can effectively occur in a busy, well-established distribution centre…

By the numbers

You’ve now got data from the entire span of 2019 to help improve and evolve your packaging processes over the coming year. So, what do you need to look for?

Welcome to pallet packaging

As NZ businesses grow from small start-ups to larger enterprises, some will need to step from sending a few boxes to sending pallets.

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Please note: We are a New Zealand-based wholesaler and only distribute within New Zealand.

Containment testing

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